Intrusive Energy Clearing
& Spirit Release
what is Intrusive Energy?
This is energy that isn’t yours and can be harmful if it remains within your physical body and wider energy field. It can cause a variety of unwanted physical, emotional and spiritual effects. Another name that you may see used for some of these intrusive energies is spirit attachment, with spirit release being used to describe their removal.
The clearings I facilitate include a wider range of energies. More about that later (see What intrusive energies are cleared?).
These energies don’t usually want to be in your energy space any more than you want them and so with love and compassion they can be removed and taken somewhere far better for them (and you).

what are the
of intrusive energy attachment?
For some, the effects can be quite subtle and just contribute to the daily niggles that you get used to.
For others, these energies dramatically impact their life causing them a wide variety of unsettling signs and symptoms.
The most common symptoms include:
Changes in behaviour, likes/dislikes and personality
Unexplained fatigue, sleep issues, possibly nightmares
A feeling of ‘it’s not me’, foreign sensations, thoughts and emotions
Headaches and/or other tension related sensations throughout the body
A lowering of mood or sudden mood swings, depression and anxious feelings
Feeling something moving inside your body or energy field, especially when relaxing
Unexplained sexual behaviour, promiscuity, sexual orientation preference
Loss of memory/blackout, lashing out, involuntary movement and speech
New addictions or an increase in previous usage, compulsions
Hearing voices
As many of these symptoms could also be caused by other physical, mental or emotional issues it's always recommended that you see your doctor or relevant specialist to ensure the root cause isn’t something that needs a completely different type of treatment. Due to the nature of symptoms, intrusive energy attachment is often confused with mental illness. Although it may be one or the other, often both exist, as one can trigger and amplify the other. Clearing the person may help any underlying condition become more manageable.

Causes of
Historically, and unfortunately to this day, some people still believe that there is something wrong or bad about a person who finds themselves with spirit attachments. In fact, there can be numerous reasons why a person may be susceptible to attracting these energies, such as:
Boundary issues
~ you have a natural openness and want to help others​
Line of work
~ energy workers, therapists, healthcare workers, firemen, police​
Resonance between you and the intrusive energy
~ similar addictions - drink, drugs, cigarettes
~ you have both experienced sexual or other abuse
~ unresolved emotional wounds, such as fear, loneliness, anger
Vulnerability due to a weakened energy system
~ you are doing deep emotional clearing
~ you are experiencing a spiritual awakening
~ extreme emotional states and ‘out of body experiences’
~ you are ill or injured, have been in an accident or had a shock
~ imbalances caused by your environment; physical emotional and mental
~ you have been under general anaesthetic or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Soul contracts
There are certain places where you are more likely to pick up ‘unwanted visitors’. These include anywhere associated with heightened emotional energy, trauma and death, such as:
funeral homes, burial sites
hospitals, hospices, care homes
battlegrounds and concentration camps.
Visiting sacred sites and earth energy hot spots can also increase your vulnerability.

what does an
clearing involve?
There are several stages to an Intrusive energy clearing and healing:
I check if a clearing is appropriate by asking you some questions.
I then faciliate the clearing & healing remotely and record my findings (up to 90 minutes). This is done without your participation.
What is included?
Clearing & Healing
30 minute Zoom call
I give you feedback on my findings
You have an opportunity to ask questions
I empower you to claim Sovereignty over your own energy
Aftercare Leaflet
This explains what to expect after a clearing.
It includes some energy management tools for you to use.
I follow-up by email to check how you are and to answer any additional questions you may have.
You can choose what you want to be cleared:
Personal energy
Children under 18, your pets and your ancestral line
Your property - home, garden, car
ALL the above
Black magic
See Packages for all options
What intrusive energies are cleared?
I use a comprehensive protocol to ensure a thorough clearing. For personal, children, pets and ancestors it includes:
Any Intrusive energies with consciousness such as earthbound spirits (ghosts); elementals; ET and alien entities.
Intrusive energies with group/program consciousness such as implants; nanobots; mind control; AI; portals; stargates.
Any form of Black Magic, including, but not limited to curses, spells, hexes….
External energy emitted from the living such as collective consciousness emotional/thought form energy (non-personal); emotional energy from others/thought forms (personal connection); psychic attack (personal connection)
Any other intrusive energies not specifically included above (just because we don’t know it exists, doesn’t mean it doesn’t)
All intrusive energies with consciousness are treated with love and compassion whilst ensuring they leave. Earthbound spirits are taken ‘to the light’, often with the assistance of their loved ones.
If I find Black Magic when doing a personal clearing, I will often clear this first. Black Magic usually needs to be done as a separate session as it can have a huge impact. Clearing everything at one time may be too much for your system to cope with. A second session would then be needed to clear all remaining intrusive energies.
The main difference between the ‘Personal clearing’ and the ‘Children, ancestors and pets’ is that the ‘Personal clearing’ provides more information about the intrusive energies that are specifically affecting you. With the ‘Children, ancestors and pets’ only more generalised information is provided.
This clearing covers your home, any land it sits on, your car and your regular workplace.
In addition to the intrusive energies described above, Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) within your home and from the earth and areas around your home can affect your sleep, cause headaches, insomnia and other health issues. These may be caused by made-made and natural sources.
electricity pylons, phone masts
smart meters, electrical wiring, electrical appliances
mobile phones, laptops, cordless phones, microwaves, wi-fi routers and baby monitors.
Natural EMFs are often described as Geopathic Stress. This is natural radiation that rises from the earth and is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by:
subterranean running water (water veins)
fault lines
ground mixing of different minerals
various energy grid lines (eg Hartmann, Curry and Ley lines). Where these lines cross can be particularly troublesome.
These EMFs can be cleared and energies redirected so that the home is healthier for you, your family and the earth. As these energies will build up again over time, maintenance clearings may be useful to minimise these energies. See Packages for details.